Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Agenda - World History - February 28

1. Notebook Check in + makeup quizzes
2. Black Death Notes (page 13)
3. History Mystery - Black Death (page 14)
4. Who's Who Packet (page 15) - glue/tape hand drawn pictures on smiley faces
5. Homework - Level 6

Monday, February 27, 2017

Agenda - Intro to Computers - February 27/28

1. Typing warmup
2. Windows 10 Update
3. Review Binary Letters + Kahoot
4. Binary Sentence - Write in English and Binary
5. Finish Names Slides

Friday, February 24, 2017

Agenda - World History - February 24

1. Journal # 4
2. Crusades Pilgrimage Simulation Activity
3. Chapter 15 Open Notes Quiz - Google Classroom

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Agenda - Intro to Computers - February 23/24

1. Nitrotype warmup
2. Review Binary Numbers - A: examples B: Kahoot (up to 64)
3. Introduce Binary Letters - examples
4. Name in Binary Slides Assignment

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Agenda - World History - February 22

1. Journal # 3
2. Vikings BrainPop
3. Popes + Rulers Notes (page 10)
4. Magna Carta BrainPop
5. Crusades + Magna Carta Notes (page 11)
6. Magna Carta Summaries (Google Classroom)

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Agenda - Intro to Computers - February 21/22

1. typing.com
2. Binary Number Systems - Brainpop + Quiz
3. Teacher examples
4. Binary Intro Kahoot
5. Fill in the Blank WS

Agenda - World History - February 16

1. Journal # 2 - Castles
2. Castle Parts Group Reading
3. Castle Parts Video
4. Castle Design Activity 

HW - Level 5

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Agenda - Intro to Computers - February 15/16

1. nitrotype
2. Finish Budget projects
3. Google classroom written response + discussion

Agenda - World History - February 14

1. Finish illuminated manuscripts (page 7)
2. Notes - Feudalism (page 8)
3. Brainpop - Feudalism
4. Feudalism Simulation Journals (page 9)

HW - level 4

Agenda - Intro to Computers - February 13/14

1. typing warmup
2. Finish pixel art 2 - 25 minutes
3. Google Sheets - Final Project - Budgeting

Friday, February 10, 2017

Agenda - World History - February 10

1. Counselor presentation (1st half of class)
2. Finish Illuminated Manuscripts
3. Gothic Architecture (if time) (page 8)

Agenda - Intro to Computers - February 9/10

1. Nitrotype warmup
2. Pixel art 1 - copy from existing examples ( 2 total)
3. Pixel art 2 - convert a non-pixel art image into pixel art

Agenda - World History - February 8

1. Journal # 1 (page 5)
2. Catholic Church Notes (page 6)
3. Life of a Medieval Monk video +sensory notes
4. Illuminated Manuscripts (page 7)

HW - Level 3

Agenda - Intro to Computers - February 7/8

1. Typing warm up
2. Google Sheets Scavenger Hunt
3. Class Survey - Pets

Agenda - World History - February 6

1. Map of Europe (page 3)
2. Review Manors Projects
3. Middle Ages Brain Pop
4. Charlemagne - Hero or Villain Debate (page 4)

HW - Level 2

May 31 - All Classes

6 Period Minimum Day! Goodbyes in all classes and enjoy your summer!