Tuesday, May 22, 2018

May 31 - All Classes

6 Period Minimum Day!

Goodbyes in all classes and enjoy your summer!

May 30 - World History

1. Yearbooks
2. Night at the Museum

May 29 - Exploring Computer Science

1. End of Year Chat
2. Yearbook Signing
3. Free Time

May 25 - World History

1. Turn in projects through airdrop or drive
2. Watch videos
3. Video Review Worksheet
4. End of Year Chat + Expectations Next Year

May 24 - Exploring Computer Science

1. Typing
2. Finish Teaching Projects

All work due by the end of class today

May 23 - World History

1. iMovie and how to edit
2. How to turn in your project - AirDrop or Google Drive
3. Finish filming and editing

HW - Finish projects and summaries. All due next class

May 22 - Exploring Computer Science

1. Typing
2. Begin Teaching Project - Animation

Must be at least one minute
May work with a partner
Must teach about a topic you learned this year
Due end of class May 24

May 21 - World History

1. Individual Summary due Friday - Up on Classroom now
2. Filming Continued - Finish scripts, film, and begin editing

*All work is due Friday

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Monday, May 14, 2018

May 15 - World History

1. Notebooks/Grades overview - notebooks graded next period
2. Project Intro
3. Project Example Video + Reading
4. Project Topics Assigned
5. Begin Research + Connecting the Dots WS

May 14 - Exploring Computer Science

1. Typing
2. Relay Race
3. Catch Game - 3 sprites falling, working score
4. Code.org lesson 11

Friday, May 11, 2018

May 11 - World History

1. Packet 1 - Page 14
2. 95 Theses and Galileo - Connecting the dots
3. End of year review

May 10 - Exploring Computer Science

1. Typing
2. Finish Stories - Scripts on Google Classroom
3. Finish Dance Animations - All backgrounds should be erased
4. Code.org - Lesson 10

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

May 9 - World History

1. Scientific Revolution Illustrated Notes (page 13)
2. Finish Brochures - Due Friday

May 8 - Exploring Computer Science

1. Typing
2. Finish Stories
3. Take pictures for lets dance project
4. Begin Lets Dance

Monday, May 7, 2018

May 7 - World History

1. Will you survive a trip around the world (page 12)
2. Begin brochures

Friday, May 4, 2018

Thursday, May 3, 2018

May 3 - World History

1. Finish Columbian Exchange Packet
2. Go over math question
3. Mercantilism vs. Capitalism Packet (page 11)

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

May 2 - Exploring Computer Science

1. typing
2. finish grading 1-5
3. Stories Day 1 - script due in google classroom

May 1 - World History

1. Collect HW
2. BrainPop Columbian Exchange
3. Columbian Exchange Food Log (page 10)
4. Packet

May 31 - All Classes

6 Period Minimum Day! Goodbyes in all classes and enjoy your summer!