Friday, December 8, 2017

Agenda - December 8 - Intro to Computers

1. Typing
2. Maze Game

  • 2 levels
  • "you win" screen
  • must be beatable
  • hand drawn mazies only. no copy/pasting

Agenda - December 7 - World History

1. typing
2. continue projects + check in with me on topics/ideas

Monday, December 4, 2017

Agenda - December 4 - Intro to Computers

1. typing
2. finish stories
3. let's dance
4. birthday card - design for a specific friend or fictional character

Friday, December 1, 2017

Agenda - December 1 - World History

1. Review Test and Pass Back
2. Feudalism PPT
3. Japan Timeline (page 12)
4. Project Topics Chosen
5. Instructions for Project
6. Begin Research

May 31 - All Classes

6 Period Minimum Day! Goodbyes in all classes and enjoy your summer!