Thursday, November 30, 2017

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Agenda - November 29 - World History

1. Turn In Work - Journal Project, Learning Goals
2. China Test
3. Japan Preview and Research Topics

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Monday, November 27, 2017

Agenda - November 27 - World History

1. Continue Journals Project/Learning Goals/ Study Guide
2. Lost Girls of China Documentary
3. HW - Study for test and finish all work

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Agenda - November 21 - World History

1. Kick Off
2. Great Wall Notes (page 11)
3. Silk Road Journal Mini Project
4. Study Guide

Test on 11/29

Agenda - November 20 - Intro to Computers

1. typing
2. Finish algorithm slides
3. Finish hide and seek on scratch
4. CodeCombat - 20 levels

Agenda - November 17 - World History

1. Vocab Quiz
2. Foot Binding (page 10)
3. Advertisement 

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Agenda - November 15 - World History

1. Kick Off
2. Religion Notes (page 9)
3. Who Said It?
4. Bingo!
5. Learning Goals 1,3,5 (if time)

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Agenda - November 14 - Intro to Computers

1. Typing
2. Graph Paper Programming
3. Race to the Finish - 4 extra sprites. One must have code

Monday, November 13, 2017

Agenda - November 13 - World History

1. Kick Off
2. Digging for the Truth Slides
3. China Geography Notes (page 8)
4. Learning Goal # 2 (page 9)
5. Chapter 10 Vocab p. 267 - Quiz on Friday

Agenda - November 9 - Intro to Computers

1. typing
2. BrainPop - Computer Programming
3. Make it Fly 
4. - through stage 7

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Agenda - November 8 - World History

1. Kick Off
2. Dig Instructions and Expectations
3. Dig Activity
4. Reflection Questions and Discussion

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Agenda - November 7 - Intro to Computers

1. Typing Warm Up
2. Following Directions Activity
3. Animate Your Name - Scratch
4. Course 2 Continued

Monday, November 6, 2017

Agenda - November 6 - World History

1. Kick Off (Indiana Jones vs real archaeologists)
2. Pre-dig art packett (page 7)
3. Triple Comparison Chart - HW if not finished

Agenda - November 3 - Intro to Computers

1. typing
2. Coding discussion question
3. account creation
4. course 2

(sub day)

Agenda - November 2 - World History

1. Earthscraper Article (page 6)
2. Cortes Analysis WS - HW if not finished

(min day)

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Agenda - November 1 - Intro to Computers

1. typing warm up
2. finish photoshop posters
3. create scratch accounts

(min day)

Agenda - October 31 - World History

1. Kick Off Video - Dia de los Muertos
2. Ch 9 Sec 1 class read
3. Plickers Quiz 5 pts
4. Dia de los Muertos Article/Coloring (page 5)
5. Halloween Traditions - Google Classroom. HW if not finished

May 31 - All Classes

6 Period Minimum Day! Goodbyes in all classes and enjoy your summer!