Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Agenda - World History - May 31/June 1

1. Movie - Night at the Museum
2. Final Day - Goodbyes and yearbook signings

Have a wonderful summer!

Agenda - Intro to Computers - May 30/31 - June 1

Note this agenda is for the 3 days of school

1. Finish any missing teaching animations/ extra credit
2. Free time/yearbook signings
3. Final day - clean PC's

Agenda - World History - May 26

1. 40 minutes - finish skits
2. Perform skits
3. Yearbook signings

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Agenda - Intro to Computers - May 23-26

Note this schedule is for 2 block periods

1. typing
2. Teaching animations cont'd - when finished, let me know and I will grade
3. Extra credit opportunities

Agenda - World History - May 24

1. Warmup - Prepare notebooks and finish 5-4-3-2-1 WS
2. Review Game - Maps
3. Map Quiz
4. Notebook Check - participation grade
5. Skit - End of year. Group picks topic. Due second half of next class

Monday, May 22, 2017

Agenda - World History - May 22

1. Notebook Check WS
2. Project Presentations + Response WS
3. 5-4-3-2-1 Ch 20 Sec 5 


5-4-3-2-1 due next class
Map quiz next class - study 3rd column

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Agenda - Intro to Computers - May 19/22

1. typing warmup
2. Continue Student Teaching projects
3. Continue grading scratch projects

Agenda - World History - May 18

1. Project Reminders
2. Film Projects
3. Work on summaries - due on Google Classroom

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Agenda - Intro to Computers - May 17/18

1. typing warmup/ last chance to finish scratch work
2. Student teaching scratch project - Instructions and begin work. Due end of next class
3. Begin grading scratch projects - randomized order

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Agenda - World History - May 16

1. Project Check In
2. Finish Making Connections WS - check off with me before beginning next step
3. Finish Storyboarding/scripts
4. Begin filming 

Reminder - All projects due May 22 at start of class

Agenda - Intro to Computers - May 15/16

1. typing warmup
2. Finish Maze games
3. Code.org Course 3 - Lesson 7/8/11
4. Finish any unfinished scratch assignments - grading begins Wednesday 

Agenda - World History - May 12

1. Project Review
2. Continue research

3. Begin making connections graphic organizer
4. storyboard if done early

Agenda - Intro to Computers - May 11/12

1. typing warmup
2. Begin Maze Coding
3. Code.org Course 3 - Lessons 5/6

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Agenda - World History - May 10

1. Journal # 4
2. Enlighten definition + visual examples
3. Connecting the Dots - Enlightenment Video
4. Project Instructions + Pick Jobs
5. Research

HW - 5-4-3-2-1 Ch 20 Sec 1

Agenda - Intro to Computers - May 9/10

1. typing warmup
2. Scratch Assignments - Birthday Card, Catch Game, Create 3 Maze backgrounds and a "you win" background.
3. Explore tynker

Agenda - World History - 5/8

1. Exploration Written Response Test
2. Pocahontas Film
3. Pocahontas Google Classroom Response

Friday, May 5, 2017

Agenda - Intro to Computers - May 5/8

1. typing
2. Coding Relay Race
3. Scratch - Let's Dance - extra credit to add yourself as a sprite

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Agenda - Intro to Computers - May 3/4

1. typing
2. Finish stories assignment in scratch
3. Functions with cups 
4. code.org stage 11

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Monday, May 1, 2017

Agenda - Intro to Computers - May 1/2

1. typing
2. Conditionals with cards
3. Story Animation - Scratch - At least 20 messages

May 31 - All Classes

6 Period Minimum Day! Goodbyes in all classes and enjoy your summer!