Friday, April 28, 2017

Agenda - World History - April 28

1. Map Quiz
2. Recipe WS (page 10)
3. Food Exchange Activity
4. Columbian Exchange +/- WS (page  11)
5. Kahoot Trivia - Just for fun

HW- None

Agenda - Intro to Computers - April 27/28

1. Typing
2. Stage 9
3. Scratch - Pong Game - Use a forever and if/then for paddle movement. Make 2 player for extra challenge

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Agenda - World History - April 26

1. Journal # 3
2. Age of Exploration Notes (page 8)
3. Chapter 19 Sec 2 WS (Page 9)
4. Map Review Game

HW - Study for Map Quiz

Agenda - Intro to Computers - April 25/26

1. typing
2. Finish missing work
3. stage 5/7
4. Create CodeCombat account and explore Python

Monday, April 24, 2017

Agenda - World History - April 24

1. Review for quiz
2. Paragraph Response Quiz - Reformation
3. Maps Activity - draw a map of the school (page 7)

HW - None

Agenda - Intro to Computers - April 21/24

1. typing
2. algorithms slides - turn in to google classroom
3. Scratch - Hide and Seek Game

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Agenda - World History - April 20

1. Journal # 2
2. Henry VIII diet video
3. Henry VIII and Heirs Notes (page 6)
4. Wives of Henry VIII video - song
5. Reformation to American Revolution - Turn in when done. HW if not finished in class

Agenda - Intro to Computers - April 19/20

1. typing
2. Graph Paper Programming
3. Scratch - Race to the finish - Add 4 sprites. One must have code 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Agenda - World History - April 18

1. Journal # 1(page 4)
2. Martin Luther WS (page3)
3. Class Reading - Dossiers
4. Reformation Webquest (page 5)

HW - Complete Reformation story assignment on Google Classroom. Turn in as a Google Doc.

Agenda - Intro to Computers - April 17/18

1. Typing
2. Vocab Quiz
3. Create accounts - work through stage 2
4. Scratch - Make it Fly Assignment

Friday, April 14, 2017

Agenda - World History - April 14

1. Finish group presentations
2. Peer Grading
3. Reformation Day 1 WS (page 2 in notebook)
4. Crash Course Video - Reformation

HW- Enjoy your weekend

Agenda - Intro to Computers - April 13/14

1. typing warmup
2. Following Directions Activity

  • listening
  • reading
3. Scratch overview and instructions
4. Animate your name assignment

Reminder that there is a quiz next class on your coding vocab

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Agenda - World History - April 12

1. Open Note Test - Renaissance
2. Word Search - Reformation
3. Unit Cover Page - Reformation (page 1)
4. (5-4-3-2-1 Ch 18 Sec 1 - if needed)
5. Project Presentations

Agenda - Intro to Computers - April 11/12

1. typing
2. Computer Programming - BrainPop
3. Coding Vocab - Quiz the 17th/18th
4. 7th explore scratch. 8th go to WR counselors presentation

Monday, April 10, 2017

Agenda - World History - April 10

(In Computer Lab today)
1. Notebook Check
2. Project collaboration time - presentations will now be next class
3. Renaissance Webquest - due next class if not finished.

Agenda - Intro to Computers - March 31/April 10

1. typing warmup
2. Naviance Assignment
3. Finish Photoshop Projects
4. explore

May 31 - All Classes

6 Period Minimum Day! Goodbyes in all classes and enjoy your summer!