1. Kick Off 2. Digging for the Truth Slides 3. China Geography Notes (page 8) 4. Learning Goal # 2 (page 9) 5. Chapter 10 Vocab p. 267 - Quiz on Friday
1. Kick Off Video - Dia de los Muertos 2. Ch 9 Sec 1 class read 3. Plickers Quiz 5 pts 4. Dia de los Muertos Article/Coloring (page 5) 5. Halloween Traditions - Google Classroom. HW if not finished
1. Kick Off/ Collect HW 2. Skit Groups/Roles 3. Write Scripts 4. Acting! Extra Credit Binder Check - Next class. All pages must be in order and complete to earn extra credit. HW - Study for test - Test questions will be the following: Explain the difference between polytheistic and monotheistic religions. Compare and contrast Islam with at least one other major world religion. Compare founder, holy text, place of worship, monotheistic/polytheistic, etc. Identify the Five Pillars of Islam, and explain each in at least one sentence. Create a list that shows at least three reasons for the spread of Islam and explain each in at least one sentence.
1. typing warmup 2. Pixel Art 1- may recreate an existing image 3. Pixel Art 2 - must create own unique image 4. Finish incomplete work. All missing work due Friday Sep. 15
1. nitrotype warmup 2. Google Docs kahoot review 3. Google Sheets Scavenger Hunt 4. Pets Survey + Enter Data 5. Your Survey + turning in to Google Classroom 6. Finish incomplete work/ start pixel art
1. "pop" quiz 2. Kick Off # 8 3. The Western Empire Collapses WS 4. Cause and Effect Poster Unit 1 Test will be September 15th All Vocab Menu items due by the 15th
1. typing warmup 2. Google Docs Scavenger Hunt + Discussion 3. "My Jr High Experience" - turn in to Google Classroom 4. Finish any missing work - Vocab Quiz, PC Parts Project
1. Colosseum Virtual Tour 2. Kick Off # 7 (new page: goes with page 1) 3. Life as a Gladiator (page 8) 4. Scripts (page 9) 5. Continue Vocab All vocab will be due no later than September 15th
1. Kick Off # 3 + Pass back HW 2. Review Vocab Sites 3. Intro to Rome (page 3) 4. Create your own creation story for Stevenson Ranch - storyboard HW - Finish storyboard if not done in class
1. Kick off # 1 (page 1 in notebook) 2. Around the World Instructions + Activity (Choose 5 of 9 countries to research) HW - any research not finished in class
1. Syllabus 2. Google Classroom Sign Up - if not done already 3. Typing Typing.com Nitrotype 4. Sending Emails - send an email to me telling me your favorite thing you did this summer. 5. Setting goals - Take a typing test and set a goal for yourself for the end of Quarter 1
1. Welcome/Teacher Introduction 2. Classroom Rules/Procedures 3. Student Scavenger Hunt Icebreaker 4. About Me - Turned in in class 5. Exit Ticket - QandA session
Note this agenda is for the 3 days of school 1. Finish any missing teaching animations/ extra credit 2. Free time/yearbook signings 3. Final day - clean PC's
Note this schedule is for 2 block periods 1. typing 2. Teaching animations cont'd - when finished, let me know and I will grade 3. Extra credit opportunities
1. Warmup - Prepare notebooks and finish 5-4-3-2-1 WS 2. Review Game - Maps 3. Map Quiz 4. Notebook Check - participation grade 5. Skit - End of year. Group picks topic. Due second half of next class
1. Notebook Check WS 2. Project Presentations + Response WS 3. 5-4-3-2-1 Ch 20 Sec 5 HW: 5-4-3-2-1 due next class Map quiz next class - study 3rd column
1. typing warmup/ last chance to finish scratch work 2. Student teaching scratch project - Instructions and begin work. Due end of next class 3. Begin grading scratch projects - randomized order
1. Project Check In 2. Finish Making Connections WS - check off with me before beginning next step 3. Finish Storyboarding/scripts 4. Begin filming Reminder - All projects due May 22 at start of class
1. Journal # 2 2. Henry VIII diet video 3. Henry VIII and Heirs Notes (page 6) 4. Wives of Henry VIII video - song 5. Reformation to American Revolution - Turn in when done. HW if not finished in class
1. Journal # 1(page 4) 2. Martin Luther WS (page3) 3. Class Reading - Dossiers 4. Reformation Webquest (page 5) HW - Complete Reformation story assignment on Google Classroom. Turn in as a Google Doc.
(In Computer Lab today) 1. Notebook Check 2. Project collaboration time - presentations will now be next class 3. Renaissance Webquest - due next class if not finished.
1. typing warm up 2. Google Classroom - Compare/Contrast Movie Posters 3. Final Project Instructions 4. Poster Summary + Sketches 5. Begin Posters in Photoshop
1. Nitrotype warm up 2. Google Classroom - What do you know about Photoshop now? 3. Disney Castle Assignment 4. Submit Topic for Poster Assignment next week 5. Finish any incomplete assignments
1. Collect HW and Open House Discussion - I will be in the Computer Lab for the evening 2. Printing Press Activity (page 8) 3. Gutenberg Video + Biography 4. Making Connections - Future Printing Tech
1. Journal # 1 - Art (page 6) 2. New Direction in Art Notes (page 7) 3. Google Form - Compare/Contrast 4. Point Perspective Practice 5. Intro Instructions for Art Project
1. Notebook Check WS - Due next class 2. Google Classroom - What do you now know? 3. End of Feudalism Discussion 4. Medieval Europe - Level 7 (page 16) 5. Unit Cover Page (page 1 - Unit 7 - Renaissance) HW - Notebook Check + Finish any unfinished classwork
1. typing warmup 2. Group Review - Binary Questions - create for a Kahoot 3. Translate Peer's Binary Sentences Quiz next class on binary numbers and letters
1. Notebook Check in + makeup quizzes 2. Black Death Notes (page 13) 3. History Mystery - Black Death (page 14) 4. Who's Who Packet (page 15) - glue/tape hand drawn pictures on smiley faces 5. Homework - Level 6