Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Agenda - December 15 - 6 Period Day

All classes Dec. 15 are 50 minutes long

Intro to Computers 
1. Student choice of activity
2. clean up computer stations
3. goodbyes and well wishes

World History
1. Finish Disney's Mulan
2. Clean up notebooks

Agenda - World History - December 14

1. Finish China Presentations
2. Discuss Notebook Pages
3. Begin Disney's Mulan

Agenda - Intro to Computers - December 13/14

1. - final time!
2. Finish final projects - due by end of class

Monday, December 12, 2016

Agenda - World History - December 12

1. Rubric for presentations overview
2. Order picked -
3. Begin Presentations
4. Naviance Activity 

Note that if you do not present today you will be presenting at the start of class on Wednesday

Friday, December 9, 2016

Agenda - Intro to Computers - December 9/12

2. Final Project instructions and discussion
3. Begin projects

All projects are due at the end of the following class period

Agenda - World History - December 8

1. Geography quiz
2. Choose topics for China Project
3. Begin work on project

HW- All projects should be turned into Google Classroom before Monday the 12th at 8:30AM. Come to class prepared to present.

Monday, December 5, 2016

May 31 - All Classes

6 Period Minimum Day! Goodbyes in all classes and enjoy your summer!